Demi Lovato wants to dine with Jesus but also believes in reincarnation
I raided Demi Lovato’s Instagram account because she so rarely gets papped these days, and her cross tattoo is relevant to today’s topic. She’s has over 20 million followers, which is surprising but makes sense. Until recently, I found Demi Lovato boring to discuss. Most of her interviews were repetitive, which was a shame because her revelations of eating disorders and substance abuse were worth talking about. Demi went through an extremely tough time, but sometimes it’s fun to discuss more lighthearted topics, such as the time Demi revealed her intense belief in mermaids as an alien life form. That was tons of fun.
Demi’s recent interviews have also taken a turn for the entertaining. I’m enjoying her trash-talking and trailblazing claims even if she’s a little full of herself. She has a new interview, which arrives in two clips, with Shazam Top 20. The first clip is simply Demi denying an Ed Sheeran collaboration, thank goodness. They’d be a bad musical fit together. In this next clip, Demi talks about how she’d love to invite Jesus to dinner, but she also reveals an intense belief in past lives:
This is contradictory, right? I wasn’t aware that any Christians believed in past lives, although feel free to prove me wrong. And even if I was religious, having dinner with Jesus doesn’t sound like much fun. He wouldn’t be into going back for seconds or thirds, and no margaritas would be in the mix. Demi doesn’t drink though, so she’d be fine. She’s also kinda nutty but amusing too.
Photos courtesy of Demi Lovato on Instagram & WENN
