Jim Carrey: Elin Woods was willing participant in Tigers affairs
One of the strangest things happened with Jim Carrey over the past few days. He was sitting around, tweeting away, and he decided to put his two cents in about Tiger and Elin Woods. I think maybe Jim was watching the Masters golf tournament? Maybe? Whatever, so Jim took to Twitter to discuss his feelings on Tiger and his whores and his marriage, and Jim set off a firestorm. At first, Jim basically just said that we should leave Tiger alone and let him play golf, writing: “Tiger Woods owes nothing 2 anyone but himself. 2 please his father he gave up his childhood and his freedom in the world. That’s enough!” The next tweet, however, caused more consternation: “No wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. Elin had 2 b a willing participant on the ride 4 whatever reason. kids/lifestyle ;^)” Now, Jim hasn’t pulled down those tweets, but he did write later that “I do not condone infidelity” and “infidelity has never been an issue 4 me”. Which isn’t how I remember his past relationships, but whatever. Then Jim said that his “people” told him to take it down a notch. Here’s some of the exchange:
[Screencaps of Jim Carrey’s tweets – to read chronologically, read bottom to top]
Ugh. Don’t murder me in my sleep, but I see where Jim is coming from. I’m not saying I agree with his assessment of Elin being a “willing participant” but I can totally understand how Jim was just sitting around and he decided to throw out a theory on Elin and Tiger’s marriage via Twitter. It’s just how he was thinking at the time, and it’s not like he wrote “Every married man should go out and screw as many ladies as he wants, all the time.” The sheer quantity of Tiger’s whores has made me idly wonder if Elin had an inkling too – but then I think about the dozens of enablers Tiger has around him, servicing his every whim and covering his tracks, and it makes sense of Elin could not have known.
Now, notice how Jim doesn’t really want to pontificate on Sandra Bullock’s marriage though. Interesting…
