Which players in the Hall of Fame have won the Cy Young Award? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers August 12
Let's decode the MLB Immaculate Grid answers for August 12. In the hallowed halls of MLB's illustrious history, there are players who have achieved the remarkable feat of winning both the coveted Cy Young Award and earning a spot in the Hall of Fame.
As we delve into the MLB Immaculate Grid Answers on August 12, let's celebrate these legendary figures who etched their names in the annals of both pitching mastery and baseball immortality.
Immaculate Grid answers August 12: MLB players in the Hall of Fame that won the Cy Young Award

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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- Career: 1988–2009
- HOF Induction Year: 2015
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
Steve Carlton:
- Career: 1965–1988
- HOF Induction Year: 1994
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1972, 1977, 1980, 1982
Greg Maddux:
- Career: 1986–2008
- HOF Induction Year: 2014
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
Sandy Koufax:
- Career: 1955–1966
- HOF Induction Year: 1972
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1963, 1965, 1966
Tom Seaver:
- Career: 1967–1986
- HOF Induction Year: 1992
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1969, 1973, 1975
Jim Palmer:
- Career: 1965–1984
- HOF Induction Year: 1990
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1973, 1975, 1976
Pedro Martinez:
- Career: 1992–2009
- HOF Induction Year: 2015
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1997, 1999, 2000
Bob Gibson:
- Career: 1959–1975
- HOF Induction Year: 1981
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1968, 1970
Gaylord Perry:
- Career: 1962–1983
- HOF Induction Year: 1991
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1972, 1978
Tom Glavine:
- Career: 1962–1983
- HOF Induction Year: 1991
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 1991, 1998
Roy Halladay:
- Career: 1998–2013
- HOF Induction Year: 2019
- Cy Young Award (Winning Years): 2003, 2010
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