Zayn Malik's 5-Year-Old Cousin Arshiya Passes Away after Brain Tumor Battle

Publish date: 2024-06-22

With brain tumor awareness month drawing to a close, the need for attention to be drawn to the condition is still just as high as ever. Just because March is ending, doesn’t mean that charities and organizations aiming to improve life with tumors and find a cure stop working. In fact, they kick into high gear and begin working harder. With the turn of a calendar month and the awareness not being as heavily focused upon, we can’t stop talking about the disease. We can’t let it be silent.

One family who knows that very well is the family of Zayn Malik. Arshiya, his five-year-old cousin was fighting a brain tumor for the entirety of her life and via a sad post at the end of 2014, it was said that doctors felt that they’d done all that they could. Her family refused to give up easily, and Arshiya kept that fighting spirit too.

The prognosis for children diagnosed with a brain tumor isn’t good, often because they aren’t found until much later than the symptoms present themselves. This is true for adults too, but there aren’t as many treatment options for children. The quality of life for children who survive is often less because of the side effects of treatment and surgery, or the tumor itself. All in all, there’s a lot of work to still be done.

Arshiya left behind quite a legacy in her own short time on earth and fans of Zayn who saw her grow in photos have taken to social media and sent their condolences to the family. Zayn was close with Arshiya, and while he hasn’t spoken publicly, we’re sure he’s appreciated all of the kindness that’s being sent to himself and those he loves.

If you want to find out more about brain tumor awareness month and how you can help be part of the necessary change to fight the disease – please visit The Brain Tumor Charity’s webpage.
